Membership Cancellation Form

Membership Cancellation Form

We are sad to see you go! We hope you enjoyed your healing journey with us. 

Please complete the below form to cancel your membership. No notice is needed for cancellation. Once your cancellation is submitted electronically your membership will be cancelled at the end of your 30 day term from whenever you last were billed. You can continue to use your membership in that duration of time. 

Example: You were billed on January 5th and sent your cancellation form on January 15th. Your membership would still be available to use until February 5th, but would not renew into the next billing month.

Please note cancellations can take up to 24 hours to process so it is best to cancel at least a day or two before your next billing date. If your billing date is the next day, we will provide a refund if you are billed. 

Thank you! We look forward to hopefully seeing you again soon.

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